The Gilmore Girls Book Tag
Yes I know, this tag is quite old already and the Gilmore Girl Revival came out a while ago. But I recently rewatched most of the show on Netflix and was looking for a fun tag to post, so this one seemed perfect. Gilmore Girl is one of the view shows that I really enjoy. The later seasons and the revival did go a bit downhill, in my opinion, but I still really like it. It's so comfortable and relaxing to watch, for some reason! Rory' and Richard's love of books really speak to me 😬 My absolute favourite scene of the whole show is Richard taking notes of Rory's bookshelves, in order to get her the books she is missing. I wouldn't complain about that!
I would have liked to link the creator of the tag, but that video seems to have been removed. So, without anymore rambling, let's get into the questions! :)
1. A character with a witty or sarcastic sense of humor
Scrolling through my books, I realized I haven't read very man really funny books recently. But I still managed to find two suitable characters for this questions:
They are both from Terry Pratchett's brilliant Discworld series. The first is Nanny Ogg. Admittedly, her sense of humor is more vulgar, but especially when she interacts with Granny Weatherwax, she can be hilariously sarcastic. She is definitely full of sarcasm, and her jokes and pranks are sometimes so dry, it often strikes me as witty. Nanny and Granny together have made me laugh out loud so many times already, they are by far some of my absolute favourites of the Discworld. Their humour is just right up my alley. If you haven't read them yet, I recommend you try out Wyrd Sisters, it's pure genius!
Another one is the Great God Om from Small Gods by Terry Pratchett. I don't want to give any spoilers, but Om was really funny and sarcastic, even when he didn't want to be. Might have had something to do with his appearance as a turtle, though..
2. Your favourite classic
As if I had just one. There are soo many amazing classics out there! But if I really, really have to choose, I couldn't say anything else but Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I think I've read this book three times now, and it gets better every time. Austen's characters always go through the most amazing developments, and I love how her heroines change for the better and admit mistakes. Lizzy Bennet grows so much in this novel but still retains her wit and mental strength, I love her story so much. Every time I finish this book, I want to pick it up it back up immediately and start from the beginning!
3. A book you secretly love, but are afraid to admit
The only answer I can think of for this is the Sailor Moon mangas. I'm not really afraid to admit that I like them, they're just quite cheesy and don't really match my usual reading tastes. I can't even say I love them, I just quite liked them because they were so much fun to read. Another one along those lines would be Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier. Again, I neither love these books, nor would I hesitate to admit liking them. Both of these series are just fun and easy reads that I remember enjoying quite a bit :)
4. A musical character
I just wrote my review for The Painted Man and am currently in the middle of its sequel, The Desert Spear, so one of this series' protagonists immediately came to my mind: Rojer. He is a very likable and sweet character (most of the time), and he's also incredibly gifted at playing the violin. Rojer can be a bit silly sometimes, but that, and the fact that he is slightly younger than his companions, makes him even more endearing. He and Lane definitely share their passionate love for music. If you haven't read the Demon Cycle yet, I highly recommend you stop everything now and pick up the first book, it's incredibly good and engrossing!
5. Your first book love
The first book I truly loved was, who would have guessed it?, Harry Potter. I'm sorry for repeating this answer in probably every tag I have done so far, but I'm sure there are loads of people out there who would answer the same. Of course, I read other books before Harry Potter came out, but this was the first series that I really loved. Even though I was a bit late to the party (because the first movie scared my seven year old self too much 😃), and tried reading the fifth book first (because it was the biggest and I was stupid 😅), once I really got into the books around the age of nine, I was hooked. And I can say with quite a bit of confidence that these books will always be my absolute favourites.
6. A book you devoured
Before I say anything else, who else is mad that we didn't get to say enough of Sookie in the revival series?? Sookie is such a lovely ray of sunshine in the original show, I was seriously disappointed!
Now that we have that out of the way, back to books. There were many books I devoured, for example Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I got that one delivered at midnight when it came out, took it to bed and stayed there reading until I finished it the next night. That is one of my favourite bookish memories to this day, I needed to know how the book ended and couldn't put it down at all.
But to mention something besides this book series of perfection, that last book I devoured was Sarah Perry's The Essex Serpent. This book was so amazing and I was hooked from the first page. Check out my review for this beautiful novel and please read it then, you won't regret it!
Oh, and I have to mention Fool's Assassin by Robin Hobb again, I think I finished that in one or two days because it was so good to be back in the Realm of the Elderlings, to meet Fitz and Molly and all the others again. These characters have become so dear to me over the many books, I really couldn't put this book down because I needed to know what happens to them.
7. A book you love, that gets the most hate
Were it reversed, this question would be really easy to answer. I really can't think of a book I love that gets tons of hate. There's always someone who hates a book. Take Harry Potter, there are some people who hate it for the way it glorifies magic (Muggles...) or think it's not good literature (again, Muggles...). I think I'll go for two books again: The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien and Dracula by Bram Stoker. Both books are often talked about as utterly boring, and after reading these books for the first time years ago, I wholeheartedly agreed. Have a look at my review for the latter, you'll see my opinion has changed a lot. When I was younger, I couldn't get through The Lord of the Rings, the second book struck me as the embodiment of boredom. And until recently, I would have said the same about Dracula. But after re-reading both of these books at a later point, I fell in love with them. It's probably because I have read a lot more since then, but I now appreciate exactly the parts I hated, and both books are among my favourite pieces of literature now!
8. A book that was ruined by the hype
The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen. Ooooh but did I dislike this book. I think I read it shortly after it came out, and it was so hyped up on social media that I went into it with very high expectations. But I am pretty sure that if I read it now, I would still not like it at all. The world building seemed very non-existent, to me, and I couldn't get along with the protagonist, whose name I have forgotten and don't want to remember. I don't want to insult anyone who likes this book, great if it worked for you! For me, it didn't do anything and I couldn't get into it at all. I'm all for imperfect characters, but I didn't like anyone in this, and I could have done with a bit more clarification about the world, because I don't remember there having been any real world building at all.
9. Expensive book
Everything by the lovely Folio Society 😭😭😭
But instead of boring you with long descriptions, I'll just give you some pictures of my favourite editions, all of which have hurt my wallet quite a bit...
And one honorary mention that I don't own yet, but which I would really like to add to my collection one day: the Norton Facsimile of the first Shakespeare Folio:
10. An uptight character
One more question and then you've made it! And my answer for this is actually someone from a book series I haven't mentioned that often yet 😁 Alaron Mercer of David Hair's Moontide Quartet is definitely an uptight character. He's not only introduced as the awkward teenage boy, he also retains a bit of that awkwardness throughout the rest of the series. When it comes to women, he is shy and very insecure, and he's often shocked at the open display of female body parts in other cultures. All this makes him rather cute and likable, and is part of why he ended up as one of my favourite characters of the series. Another one I can only recommend, by the way, it's not only a very fun and creative fantasy series, it's also very thought-provoking and diverse!
Sooo, we finally made it through all the questions for this tag. I hope I was able to give recommend some of my favourite books to you, because I loved most of the ones mentioned above very much!
Who is your favourite Gilmore Girl character? Before the revival I would have said Rory and Richard. But after A Year in the Life, I can't really think of an answer for that. What did you think of the new episodes? Do you hope they will make more in the future? I do, they really can't leave us hanging without any answers!
Thank you so much for reading and have a great day!💕
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