August 2017 Reading Wrap Up
August was a really good reading month for me! I didn't read as many books as I do most other months, but I read a few longer books as well and I enjoyed everything I picked up. There were also several five star books in this month! So without much rambling, let's get to the books :) The Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 This beautiful book (inside and out) was the first book I read this month, and also the best. It didn't take me at all long to read this, as it was so engrossing and lovely. The stories and the characters are written so well that I was completely drawn into the novel. I was blown away by its beautiful writing and by how much this rather short book conveyed. It touched upon so many important themes, such as love and gender and charity, but it did so in a very subtle and thought provoking way. If you want to know more about my thoughts on this, please check out the review I posted on this blog. I really can't recommend this wonderful book e...