The Golden Fleece by Robert Graves Review

The Golden Fleece by Robert Graves is a retelling of the ancient Greek myth about Jason and the Argonauts. The most popular and acclaimed version of this myth from antiquity is probably the epic poem The Argonautica by Apollonius of Rhodes, who lived in the 3rd century BCE. Graves took it upon himself, according to his very interesting introduction to this book, to compare and analyze existing versions of the voyage of the Argonauts and compose one compiled tale. His story is not supposed to only tell about the quest for the Golden Fleece, Graves also puts the Argonauts' voyage into a bigger religious and historical/mythological context, telling of how the Fleece came to be and why Jason was ordered to reclaim it from Colchis. So this novel does not start with Jason, but one or two generations before him, and tells of how the Olympic religious system developed. I can't really talk about how accurate all this is, as I am by no means an expert on an...